Monday, 7 May 2012

Meeting VIPs :D

As you guys know (at least I hope that you guys do ><) I am a college student, and even though I'm just started on April, the assignments just keeps on piling up on me @.@ BUT! That's not going to stop me from updating my blog! XD 

Seeing the title, you guys must have known that I'm not really going to talk about my college life right? Well, actually I kinda am going to :p but, let's start with when I was in Secondary school first. When I first became a VIP, I was anxious to find other VIPs in my class, I asked everyone I knew that was into K-POP but alas, seems like most of them are more into Super Junior :( (just a side note, nothing against them, I also like them, but of course not as much as BIGBANG XD) But I did eventually find some in my class...I was quite happy even though it's just a couple of friends only...but still, it's better than nothing right? :D

Then came my College Life >< At first I was quite nervous going to college, since I'll be living alone, no family around me, must start an independent life etc. but after a month, I've kinda got used to the College life~ I am actually a shy person so when I was in Secondary school, I don't have many friends, at least not as much as my other classmates (they have like groups of 10 or even more! o.o) but once I've applied for college, I promise myself to not be shy anymore and be more socialized and meet more friends, and I actually accomplished my promise :D I was so proud of myself...even though it's nothing to be proud about XD Anyway, back to the main topic, I thought that, in my country, although alot of people are into K-POP, not much will like BIGBANG, but oh was I wrong~!!! I actually found an amount of people that LOVE BIGBANG!!! :D You could imagine how HAPPY I was~~ I've even found some that are YG Family fan~~!! When my friends found out that I'm a VIP, we both will freak out at the same time (like got shocked at the same time and even got overly excited~!) The best reaction I got was when I found out that one of my classmates is a VIP, but not only that, her bias is G-Dragon TOO!! O.O You could just imagine our reaction XD That friend of mine even gasped loudly til everyone in class was looking at her >< I've even have a friend that wears a 2NE1 hoodie jacket when she's cold (that's how I found out that she's a YG Family fan btw :)) I'm so happy to find so many VIPs in my college~but most of their bias is TOP XD (I guess that's why that friend and I was so shocked and excited when we found out that we both are G-Dragon biased XD)

OH, I've even found someone that looks like Taeyang!! (but of course Taeyang looks way better than him :p) all of his friends calls him "Taeyang" XD but the funny thing is, he never knew who is Taeyang XD (his not a K-POP fan so can't blame him :)) but that wont stop his friends (including me :p) calling him "Taeyang" XD

Alright I'm going to stop here, since I still have alot of assignments to do @.@ I know I say this in every post I posted but I'll assure you all I'll do this one day...the "Stories of a Music Video" thing XD I hope you all will keep on supporting my blog :D

Proud VIP :D


  1. seems that, i will leave comment on each post that u posted =p
    but u REALLY fall into G-DRAGON?????? r u sure??
    then, i will become so jealous to u...........
    gggrrrr......juz joking ;p
    hey, nice to meet u, GD fans..we'r on the same side ^^

  2. Haha it's ok~leave many comments as you like :D I don't mind at all~~^^ and yeah my bias is G-Dragon :) but it's only if I had to choose a bias, I like them all actually :D how can't he be my bias? He's awesome in any ways~~^^ and I love it that I found out that his b'day is same with me~XD but most VIPs' bias is TOP~>< not that many like GD as much as we do~^^ so awesome to find another GD bias VIP :D

    1. what a coincidence having same bzday?? congrats VIP =)
      i dared to say that most of VIPs will attracted to TOP at 1st sight like me!! i like TOP 1st during watched his drama, I am Sam.
      but, suddenly i love GD more that TOP. it's hard to explain into details but i think GD is more attractive than the others. part i like GD is about his cuteness^^ oh myyy!!! haha

    2. Yep~XD Thanks btw :) Yeah alot are attracted to TOP, but some will still be TOP bias, and some wont, me on the other hand, my first bias was Taeyang (cause I knew BIGBANG through him...I wrote about it in one of my post check it out XD) but when I found out about G-Dragon, and how hardworking he is at his job, I just got attracted like immediately XD But I'll have to admit myself, TOP is the most attractive one in the group...but G-Dragon has something that can't be expressed by words...there's just something about him that makes him special and unique~ (except for his fashion sense and hairstyles :p) OH and I love his cuteness too~ especially when he smiles or gets shy~~ XD so cute~^^

    3. something that cant be expressed by words.
      i prefer his fashionista style that made me became weaks ^o^
      of course he looks very cute when he get a baby =p

    4. Yep~~Basically I love everything about G-Dragon XD And his fashion sense, sometimes I wont like it at first, but slowly looking at it, I see that he pulls it off~~like at first I didn't really like his long hair, but now I like it very much~especially when he put it at the back :D and the mushroom hair in Monster, when I saw his teaser, I couldn't focus cause I was laughing so hard XD but slowly see it again, he actually pulls it off quite well~but I still thank god that that isn't his real hair XD I LOVE his baby devil look though :D I thought he look HAWT as a devil with one horn :p Yeah he's adorable when he's shy XD covering his face~and looking away~~so cute~~:D

    5. yeah, it's so funny when he put on his hair like a mushroom. i like it bcoz i'm a fans of mushroom too =D
      can u check in monster mv on the 1.31 minute, i like GD style. really like evil so much >.<
      do u watch running man? i think GD is most cute n cool in there ^^

    6. I laughed throughout his teaser~XD Oh mushroom head GD~
      Oh I know that part~ the one where he slowly stands up (but didn't really stand fully up) I thought that was cool~ :D really evil looking ~but i like~~XD
      OH OF COURSE~I love that episode when BIGBANG came XD It was so cool and funny at the same time~ yeah GD was cute in that~^^

    7. ghost too, haha
      actually, from watched running man, i realized how cute, cool, smart n attractive that GD have. that is the turning point how i changed my mind from TOP n focus to GD only :p
      but the other members also cute in that episode^^

    8. Nono~ GD is way good looking to be like a ghost ><
      Haha~ yeah GD is super cute there, with his shyness and cuteness and all XD You CAN'T say no to that cute face :p Yeah other members are cute in that episode too~~TOP was cute too~ oh and Taeyang XD being all hyper~^^

    9. i'm juz come i willingly to deny his cuteness? =p
      i still remembered taeyang's eye-smile n he is over-excited b4 start the game^^

  3. Yeah no one can ever deny that cute little face of his XD
    Oh yeah Taeyang was super excited at the start of the game~he was do excited that he couldn't wait to run and he ran by himself do suddenly XD so cute~~

    1. so cool at the outside but cute in inside....
      n i love to replay the video of their acting in Secret Bigbang for Secret Garden parody
      GD was very beautiful to be a girl....if i'm a boy, can attract me too... =p
      n i laugh very3 hard when Daesung became a woman in scene "smell......." xDD

    2. Hehe he sure is :D
      Oh~ the parody @@ I agree, GD looks pretty as a girl, I was shock that that girl was him o.o oh "smell~lets smell~~" XD Daesung was so funny in that parody, as the secretary AND that smell lady :p

    3. 1st time watched it i not really recognize the other Bigbang members. bcoz that time i'm not a VIP yet, haha
      until i watched twice, then i very surprised the pretty girl in the video was GD...oh myyyyyy
      when i'm bored, i'll replay n replay n replay it bcoz it is funny^^
      even Daesung doesnt have handsome face like TOp, but i admired his lovely voice....

    4. Oh? Well when I watch their parodies, I actually knew who was who already but I wasn't a VIP yet, the first parody I watched was the coffee prince one XD since I didn't watch the original show, I got kinda confused...but eventually found out what the story is about...but the BIGBANG's parody of coffee prince, the ending o.o *perverted thoughts*
      Anyways~after watching the secret garden parody for the first time...I couldn't bare myself from repeating cause I'm afraid that it'll make me have a stomach ache XD but eventually I did repeat it~~
      Yeah~~I love Daesung's voice very much~his voice is really powerful~and his smile~~he might not be the best looking guy in the world but that smile, can simply melt your heart :D

    5. Very3 perverted thoughts!!! I watched the real coffee prince drama, n I think GD is really a girl in the parody, but in the end……………..ohhhh……
      Hahaha, let’s repeat again until our stomach burst out ;p
      In simple words, Bigbang is the best. Not cared for their weakness as long as they still the same Bigbang that we knows =)

    6. Haha~if he's really a girl, he'll be a cute girl XD
      stop all those perverted thoughts~~!! ><
      I think the coffee prince parody was my favourite :D dunno why though...I just like it very much XD
      No doubt they are the best~~ :D they are and always will be the BIGBANG we once knew :) even when they change, they always change to a better BIGBANG, but of course they wont forget the old days where they were totally into hip hop (cause seeing them now, they still have that hip hop vibe XD especially Taeyang) ^^

    7. How about Boys Over Flower’s parody? Daesung not suit to be a girl anyway… >.<
      That time, his face still “young” , haha…..
      I’m not really to be the real n fantastic baby VIP yet ;p
      I still can’t predict their style in music, n can’t differentiate the genre of music correctly, but according what I’ve listened to their songs, I think they really want to try a new thing. I salute to GD bcoz he always produced good songs with good meaning of the lyrics. Bingle Bingle’ song used electronic guitar that feel fresh n energetic n once remind me when play the Guitar Rocks game =)

    8. Haha Boys Over Flowers parody was good too~I liked TOP and GD in that parody :D Daesung...maybe it's the wig..cause if you see them in intimate note, there's one scene, Daesung was dressed like a girl and he looked cute~~ XD
      Oh? well that's ok then, being a VIP is already good actually :D Actually I don't think any of us can predict what music they are going to do next, since GD is such a genius~and wants to try different kinds of styles of music :D I envy his courage, taking risks all the time XD Yeah GD is such a awesome leader and song producer, every lyric he writes came from his experience and his own heart :) oh yeah~Bingle Bingle~~I like that song very much~mainly because I also like rock songs >< and that song had a rock kind of feeling~but I pity Seungri for just having two lines @@ In my opinion, that song could be longer XD but it's still a nice song :D you play Guitar Hero?? Do you have the Guitar as the controller? If you have, I envy you o.o

    9. I preferred Daesung act as a woman in Secret Big Bang ;p bcoz at that time his face more mature than filming BOF parody. Perhaps it filmed long time ago n not used high resolution of the video camera n also contributed to the bad effect to Daesung’s face Xp
      During my secondary school I’ve already heard about Bigbang but I don’t care at all. At that time, I more addicted to Korean drama n only knew the popular actors. When I have a chance to see GD picture, I don’t like it n I think this guy is not attractive at all with his “weird” style. So true that I can’t judge him by looked at his outside. The punishment for me is, I really like him now n don’t care about his “weird” anymore. Don’t take serious my “weird” words bcoz I can’t find any other word to describe my feeling at that time =D
      Such a wasteful time that I too late to likes him and to discovered his specialties. Moreover, he really talented and unique artist and he deserve to get such a great VIP like me ;p
      Most of song’s writer wrote the lyrics based on their experiences and their feeling. Like the novelist, I can guess what type of person he/she is based on their writing in novels. No wonders GD also like that…. =)
      About the guitar, Guitar Rocks juz simple game n it’s juz hit the notes with correct rhythm. I don’t know if what I said is correct when it involves about music, rhythm, notes… I’m not taking Bachelor of Music =p
      I even don’t know about Guitar Hero, so u no need to envy to me. When I relates the Bingle2 song with Guitar Rocks, it’s juz the “rhythm” almost same. That’s all =D

    10. Haha~I can't stand seeing Daesung in Secret Big Bang, I will laugh every time XD He's too funny~~plus the "smell~~" part...I will be falling from my chair laughing XD
      I actually didn't know about BIGBANG before my brother intro me to them @@ Me and my brother grew up listening to English songs only...and my secondary classmates always talks about Super Junior only...and when they were talking about them, I had 0 interest of it XD since at that time, I wasn't in to K-pop...When my brother introduced me to Taeyang, I was actually in denial to watch and listen to that song (since, I wasn't into kpop) but I listened and it was the best decision I made :D
      So..My bias was suppose to be Taeyang but I changed immediately when I found out about GD XD his charisma, his talent, his style, his specialties..(oukay I need to stop o.o or I will go to my imagination world again XD) Him writing and producing BIGBANG and the members solo's songs...he's just SO incredible +.+
      Guitar Rock? hmm...I thought it was Guitar Hero XD It's basically the same game, just hit the notes in the correct rhythm :D I love these kind of music games~and I'm pretty good at it :p and don't worry, you don't need to be a Bachelor of Music to know these things :) I'm not and I also know...maybe it's because I'm also learning the piano? XD but still~you said it correctly :D hitting the notes in the right rhythm :)

    11. Then when u want to watch again, u must sit on the stone chair. So that u won’t be falling X)
      U should thanks to ur brother…. =) we rarely hear the boys who attracted to K-pop. . ur brother really awesome…. so u really can playing piano? That’s sound good! With small hands that u have ;) I’m jealous, I can’t play anything. So sad….. My brother has a guitar n I don’t have time to learn from him plus he don’t master play it yet. Maybe one fine day…..haha

    12. Haha yeah I should purchase a stone chair :p
      Yeah I was shocked o.o but really glad he found them XD hehe yes he is awesome~ Yeah I can play the piano, but it's kinda hard with small hands >< well you could try if you want :D just see which instruments suit you :D I can only play the piano cause I'm left-handed @@ Originally I wanted to learn drums XD but It's hard to find a left-handed drummer teacher to teach me and It's also hard to find a left-handed guitarist to teach me too...soo..I chose piano instead :p

  4. Basically the people said, left-handed people are very skillful. It is obviously true n u have talent in piano… =). If it so hard to find the teachers, u try searching on the internet to learning the instruments for left-handed. Maybe it’s hard to learn alone n depend on ur own. At least u can get a basic knowledge b4 found the teachers then ^^
    What about u make piano cover for Bigbang song? Like Daniel Jang made a violin cover for Blue n won the 1st prizes. Do u ever heard it? It’s very awesome too =)

    1. Yeah I've seen articles about how left-handed being creative and skillful @@ Maybe that's why I have such imaginations XD
      Hmm...Not a bad idea :D but I don't think I have the time anymore D: I don't even have time to practice my piano...since I'm not in my home town afterall ><
      Oh I can't @@ I simply can't >< I would love to have their music sheets so I could at least play their songs though (Maybe one fine day @@) oh yea I saw that, I also love the sound of the violin too, but I didn't learn it for 2 reasons 1. left-handed (of course ><) 2. my parents and my bro said that it's not good for your neck @@ but I heard Daniel Jang's cover, it was awesome~ XD He deserved that 1st prize :D

    2. And sometimes it is not fair to left-hander bcoz most of things, hardware, cutleries be made for right-hander. The instruments also same like u’ve said b4. Yeah, the violin will give pressure on ur neck n shoulder. Last time I visited his page, seems that he organized some competition to give away all the prizes that he received. Except the signature album T.T. he’s reasons that all the things need new home. I don’ have any idea why he need to do that.

    3. Yeah~ Only a few people know that feeling~ >< Oh~and when I found out about Gd's b'day, I became curious if he is lef or right-handed XD but it turns out that he's right-handed :p
      Oh well, at least my best friend is same as me, left-handed XD Oh speaking of her, she's not a VIP but she saw the Fantastic Baby MV, and she liked someone in BIGBANG ad XD wanna guess who it is?? Haha I'll give you a hint, he looks innocent :D
      Haha~of course not the signature albums~ those are his prize possessions XD Even if I got them, I wouldn't even lend it to people o.o It's too valuable~~ XD

    4. Erm… I don’t want to guess he is GD. My 1st thought is Daesung…. Am I right? =p
      Seungri and TOP are not in my list of innocent face, haha.. Taeyang n GD maybe in some situation will look innocent. Daesung like most innocent than the others…… errr…. Reallllyy? Or not? Hahaha…….
      Daniel Jang said that he loved that album too n 2nd reason that it also started rusting. Ermmm… it shows even the album that is direct from YG to his hand also got rusted. (n have Bigbang’s fingerprints T.T”)
      So…… I’ll accept that “phenomenon” really occurred to us too.

    5. OMG~~~How on earth did you know that it was Daesung?? Right~yeah I agree, Daesung has the most innocent face in BIGBANG XD Seungri sometimes though...dunno why (since he's the "ladies man" type of guy XD) and I don't know why but everytime I see Seungri, I just see a little brat XD a little kiddo~~maybe it's because he's the maknae? @@ She wont "like" GD and Taeyang cause she like those normal and innocent them both, out T.T TOP however, she said that he looks handsome and all but he's also weird XD so out too...Seungri though, she got said in Monster that he looked a little innocent in that (I can't believe it @@ In MONSTER o.o I thought Seungri looked mid-evil in that MV XD) Anyways, but the winner is Daesung XD (The part in Fantastic Baby where Daesung was wearing a purple suit and singing while the camera pans backwards or something, that scene is what got to her XD)
      Haha~~ It IS special METAL afterall T.T but what can we do? we could just help the rusting reduce? Or try to prevent it from rusting even more? >< oh special metal...

    6. like what i said.....i'm really be a fantastic fan ^^ toing toing toing ^^
      juz look once to Daesung, everyone can think that he really innocent guy. n about Seungri, i think he is a naughty boy n no wonder he always bullied by the hyungs, haha
      in Monster?? She said Seungri innocent?? wahaha....!!
      with the colours lens and got triangle line on the face..., he succeed became a monster in that MV ;)
      i thought she got a scene when Daesung is shirtless >><<
      about that metal, i dont want to add anything to it. dont want to try remove the rust. i'm worried if it become more worse than now

    7. Haha~ I could literally imagine you doing the "toing toing toing" XD
      Haha yep~ innocent Daesung-ie :D Haha~ I know right?? It was so weird that she was pointing at him and saying that he looks innocent XD (I think it's because of the hair :P) But Seungri in real life is a sweet maknae la(sometimes...XP)~ and I pity him sometimes cause of the other members bullying him XD
      Yeah I agree~ Seungri's monster is my second favourite~ (GD's the first of course XD) just scars all over his face and all but it's already good enough to let him appear as a monster :D and that purple lens, WOW~~It really suits him well~^^
      Yeah~~There was a scene of Daesung shirtless~~XD but I don't think she knows that that was Daesung @@ but I think after she know right, she will be like omg...he is ripped wei XD
      Oh yes~definitely XD just keep it sealed and away from the sun and anything that would let it rust then can ad la >< Hopefully my special metal wont rust anymore @@

    8. toing toing toing again ;)
      i'm happy u know... i'm MERDEKA now, hooreeyyyy!!!
      end of all the final exam =)
      let me tell u something. at exam hall juz now, MY model-looking-good-chinese guy that i told u last time was in the same hall with me <3
      his face like Eli of U-KISS !!!!
      n i ask my Indian male friend about him. he told that "ELI" like a Korean star. can u imagine? ^^v
      i'm very3 happy doing the test....hahahaha
      ok...let's continue about Bigbang ;p
      of coz GD's monster 1st^^ (i'm not forget about GD even juz met with Malaysia's ELI)
      talking about shirtless, i wonder if TOP really dont ever shirtless in public or not? i'm not believe all those pic that shows him without shirt.... mybe it's juz photoshop?
      u should tell ur friend about the TRUE Daesung ;p
      of coz after this, she'll like Daesung more n more, haha

    9. Hahaha~~~awesome then~ now you have all the time you want to "stalk" G-Dragon XD and toing toing toing~ to your dream world and keep dreaming about being together with GD~ XD
      Hahahahhaa~~ I'm sure that exam day was the best of all XD Get to be in the same room with that Celebrity look-a-like guy XD Oh~ I'm sensing a little crush here~~~ :D Don't tell me you stalk him too?? @@
      I bet when you were doing your test, you couldn't focus much since there's him over there XD and sometimes during the exam, you will sneakily look at him for awhile X) am I right? :p
      Yeah~~ GD FTW~~ (BIGBANG also of course~ :p)
      WHEN DID WE TALK ABOUT SHIRTLESS?? (right...Daesung XD)Yeah TOP never showed his body before. I remember him saying that he's actually shy and don't dare to show in a variety show (forgot which one already) but if you see "Lalala" performances, you could see his stomach...(some performances only me thinks @@) cause you know when they dance, there's one part where they lift their shirt up and showing their abs area...yeah...but those performances are old videos so it's kinda blurry so you can't see his abs area that clearly XD And do you mean the one with GD&TOP one?? If so, THAT'S DEFINITELY PHOTOSHOPPED ><
      Oh~~I actually showed her the "Scare-dy Cat Daesung" XD (the video where they went to the Japan Theme Park :p) She was like "omg~ he's so innocent~ It looks like he's about to cry~ so cute~~ XD" I think she's already falling for him more and more :p
      Oh~ I have one more friend, that heard and watched Taeyang's Wedding Dress (she heard the song first) and immediately falls for him XD now everytime I mentioned something about BIGBANG, she will be like Taeyang?? XD

    10. I think my toing toing toing really immersed in urself, haha…. I’ve download some videos of Bigbang for my spare part during my holiday. ( I used wifi at my college). Bcoz when back at home, I juz used Yes broadband that really fast but really expensive. When u juz watch the video, ur credit will decrease very fast. (oh ya…I’m used it by top up the credit juz like mobile).
      Of coz that was my bez exam day after all~!! Err…. Mybe I juz focused 90% only XDD
      When suddenly there are some annoying sounds in the exam hall, I secretly look at him. So that everyone not noticed me peek at him XP
      Of coz I stalked him!! Thank to my bez fren. She help me get his FB juz FOR ME…..!!!! thanks fren, haha
      N he NEVER PRIVATE his FB at all. I can see his wall, photos, friend list, family list, interest, likes, n whatever……………!!!! No matter he doesn’t need to approve my fren request anyway ^^
      Wow~!! U must surprise right? >>.<<
      Ahhh… his face like ELI + Tao (exo-m). not juz totally like ELI. He has dimple when he smile u know! His hair style most likely as Kpop idols with covered his forehead. When he doesn’t smile, he looks very serious. That’s 1st time I saw n having crush to him. (juz a fans mybe XP).
      Yes2… I saw that pic. N there are a lot of editing pic of him shirtless. I’m so pity to him. The fans really want to see his abs XD. This is too much~ n if I’m not mistaken it is from MSoundplex's March Mini Concert.
      Then u must invited ur frens to be VIP if their started to shows those signs to Daesung n Taeyang ;p
      Welcome, welcome!!!!! XP

    11. I am so SO sorry about not replying to you for so long >< I've been busy @@ Assignments are pouring over me like CRAZY o.o
      Anyways~ back to replying you XD
      Go watch every video of BIGBANG then XD I think you'll enjoy it very much~ :D
      Oh~ Here comes the Stalker~ and by reading and reading your comment, I can see that you really LIKE this guy huh~~~?? :D oooohhhh~~~~ :p somebody has a crush~~ XD Congrats to you btw :D If only there's a GD or TOP look a like in your school right? If there is, I think you'll flip out even more o.o
      Come on~ TOP doesn't need to show off his body to let the whole world know that he's SEXY @@ Just by his eyes, people will already get mesmerized :p Although my bias is GD, I can still admit that TOP is the most good looking one XD I think his high school friends regret of ever bullying him being chubby (If he ever had any bullies that is...)
      Hahaha~My best friend is starting to listen to their song by herself, recently she listened to Blue and Monster, she liked both of them too~^^ and I remember that when I saw "Tell Me Goodbye"'s MV, I thought Daesung looked good in that, so I told her to listen to that song (dunno if she listened to it already or not...o.o) The friend that likes Taeyang even went to FB and liked his fanpage ad lo XD and she kept on listening to his solo songs XD (and maybe getting nose bleeds everytime :p) I will openly accept them as a VIP if they want to~^^

    12. It’s okay, it’s okay….. I have manyyy a lottt of timesss to reply to u, ehe3
      Not really like him. Juz want to “clean” my eyes while busy studying n tiring of all the day. ^^.
      Dun congrat to me now. It is not like I already have chance to be his friend though. He juz an “exhibition” to me, haha~
      N the conclusion here is, “all the handsome, cute n good looking guys juz for exhibition n calm medicine to me”. Wahaha~~~
      Is it TOP’s eyes is categorized as smokey eyes? Like MIR MBLAQ so…. Of course the 1st part of him that made me like him is after looking at his eyes. No need to show off his abs n even no need to display his smile too.
      No wonder his schoolmate ever think he would become most popular artist now. Actually I’m very surprised Bigbang now became a phenomenon. I think last year they juz have normal popularity as the other groups but suddenly this year has changed a lot. Woahhh…
      So, ur friends will never get regret after becoming as VIP =)

  5. Hahaha~ if what my old friends said is correct, that I am good in sensing if something is going on...then I'm sensing something right now~ XD that it's not just an "interest" in him :p
    Hehe anyways~ well just recently, one of my classmates, a guy >< started talking to me XD and we bonded and sometimes even talked about secrets...>< I feel really comfortable talking to him @@ and we have a lot of common~^^ (going into dreamland again ><)
    Okok coming back down @@ yeah I think one of my friends is already a VIP, but she just don't want to admit it XD

    1. Oh no… It’s juz for fun, not the true feeling =)
      This is my time to sense something right now………………….. when two persons with different gender who does not communicate before n started to talking to each other n share about some secrets…..then what is it means?? Hahaha!! I wish u guys really work together ;)
      It’s not easy to find someone who can give us comfort n be good listener. (oh mai g…I hope this girl really make something effort in her relationship. Let she’s flying to her dreamland again. I with sincere heart give bless to her =p. Then I don’t need to share GD with her anymore XPP)
      Actually I juz received only one of ur reply, but I already leave the comment to the other post since last week. Maybe u didn’t get the notification on ur mail? Don’t worry n I’m sorry for disturbing ur time to visit ur blog recently. Juz focus on ur study first, okay =)

    2. Haha~~>< I don't know la~~~@@ It's not like we NEVER communicate...we did communicate last time but we weren't that close only~ >< but dunno why since that day...we've been closer and closer :p The first time we talk just the two of us...was just recently...when I was really pissed off of my friend (She was suppose to present her presentation but she "escape" the class and didn't came back til the end of the class...she's been skipping her presentation for quite some time now and I don't really like that kind of behaviour..) but that day, where she "escapes" the class til the end...I was really pissed (btw, I was sick that time...and she left her bag in class...) and he saw me being angry while carrying her bag along with he comes towards me and comforts me xD then we went to starbucks and had a chat~>< he told me he was going home late so I accompanied him for 2 and a half hours xD then we just talked and talked~~ :p
      After that day, then we just got closer and closer, i mean he even facebook message me (which he never did before xD)
      Awh~ Thanks for your wishes~ >< I'll see if this goes anywhere la xD (hopefully I won't fly too high to my dreamland and never come down o.o)(Btw, GD is yours if you want xD just let me be his good friend then I'm ok ad :p)
      Haha yeah >< cause that time, I only had time to replied to one (that time, I was actually visited by him too [it was a sudden visit actually o.o](And that time I just wanted to talk out my feelings about this situation la ><) anyways~ xD Haha it's ok~ Hopefully I can write a new post soon :)

    3. Owh.... like that huh? The part u guys getting closer are interesting but ur escaping friend’s make me angry too. Yeah, who’re in the earth would like that behavior? Moreover, it is really worst if it occur to our own group. But it’s okay, at least u got a chance to make a good FRIENDship with that guy. ;p
      U seems to be very happy n blissful when u story-inggg about him xP
      Are u ever have thought to date him? Woah! I wonder how it would be like if one fine day he will ask u to date him??
      Listen.. (I doubt how u gonna to “listen” through this Xp)… maybe u don’t need to suddenly give ur decision. Let him wait for a while then after that u can tell him. It is like “jual mahal” >.< XP
      Maybe you want to be like me? Do some “background research” about him?? X))) no no no….. don’t be like that. I’m afraid he will afraid to u too, haha

    4. Haha~~~so maybe I should Thank? my escaping friend then? @@ Cause if it weren't for her, I think me and him won't even have this friendship now ><
      Ahh~~When I was writing my comment, I couldn't help but smile la~~>< What's happening to me~~?? @@ Becoming delusional already~
      Maybe I have feelings for him? I dunno~~ But these days in class and lectures, I noticed that sometimes, he looks at me >< Like in lectures, he always sits at the back, while I always sits at the front, when I turn back to discuss something with my groupmates, sometimes I catch him looking at me >< then in Tutorial Classes, I am the one who sits at the back while he's at front, and sometimes I'll catch him looking at the back (casually like looking here and there) and then looks at me @@ I dunno if it's just me or not la~>< (Going to Dreamland again o.o)
      Haha~ play hard to get?? @@ Argh~ I dunno la~~ >< Maybe I'll get closer to him first >< then see how we progress o.o
      Haha~I think doing "background research" about him wouldn't be nice, I think finding out about him by myself is better? Maybe we'll have more things to talk about? :p
      (Even when I'm writing this heart is racing ad o.o)

    5. Ur story like the students in the school la…haha… u’re on the way to dreamland n catch the love flower in the garden of ur heart la… (smile again???? ;p)
      The rest of ur classmate didn’t notice that? Sometimes, this “behaviour” will make the others realize it^^ maybe some of them think that guy look at them XDD
      Not “maybe”, it is true u already fall for him! With the heart start racing very fast like compete with Valentino Rossi in MotoGP in Sepang XP. (Valentino Rossi is my favourite athlete in MotoGP^^)
      U really active n efficient girl=p u don’t afraid to start 1st? but if both of u already showed those “weird sign”, then u guys must go on…. Chaiyok2!!!!
      Yeah, be honest person is the best choice to make a serious relationship =)
